jennifer moore


1. What are your aspirations as hairstylist?
My ultimate goal is to make my clients as happy as possible. I love building relationships with so many amazing people. I got into the industry because growing up, I loved to dress up: I used hair, makeup, and fashion as a creative outlet to express myself. I gravitated towards things that were different, and maybe a little out-there. I feel that art and creativity combined with fitness has helped me find who I am, and has built confidence I didn’t know was there. If I can do that in someone’s life at a personal level, that truly makes me happy.

2. When you walk into work, what’s missing? Where are the holes in your chosen career?
As a full-time mother managing to grow a new business, I have been confronted with my fair share of challenges. I’ve been a freelance artist for a little over 2 years and pretty much had to build and regain my clientele from the ground up. It had been easy in the past to overwork myself to make ends meet and to keep my clients flowing and happy. Even when I’m not at work I am pursuing mommy duties to a kindergartner at home, finding time to fuel my body, and keeping my mind fit so I’m at my best. Maintaining a balance with such a full schedule is hard sometimes. With that, it’s been a struggle staying inspired to create new art at times. Ultimately, spending more time with my family is a must, but it’s important to make time to freely create because it gives me the passion to continue to do what I love. I strive for perfection although it’s been hard to accept that nothing is perfect and everything is practice. It is humbling to look back and see where I started….. and to imagine how far I will go is a daily inspiration.

3. Model question- Cultivating personal style comes down to what you feel best wearing. What would you say you’re most comfortable in during the week and on the weekends?
My style may vary on a day-to-day basis. Days off from work I’m most likely running errands and doing chores around the house. I like to be comfortable and will usually be in some cute and comfy sports gear. At work, I like to stay trendy but comfortable; I do, however, love my loud T’s, high jeans, and crop tops but depending on the environment I’m working in that day, black is a go-to for me to keep a clean professional look. Weekends can ultimately change between the two, depending on the events or festivities. I love to get all dressed up, but if I’m just relaxing at home with my son, it’s definitely unnecessary. There are so many unique underground styles as well that are amazing to find. Not everything is about rocking high-end or common trends. Sometimes, I enjoy incorporating others own unique visions into a style of my own.

4. What are your three go-to hairstyles for clients?
When a client comes in and gives me the freedom to create a style on them, there are a variety of things to take into consideration: It’s never a one cut fits all kind of thing. When customizing a haircut or new style for a client, I have to take into consideration current and trending styles, maintenance and upkeep, face shape, hair texture, grow pattern, etc. Some looks may not work with the client’s features or cooperate with the client’s hair. Although most cuts are able to be customizable, sometimes the client is unaware of the maintenance involved to style or simply maintain. These consultations are critical, but with all that said, I love when I get presented with a new look or challenge! I wouldn’t say I have exactly three main go-to styles but I will say that some of the styles that have been the most fun to create have been undercuts including pompadours and edgy textures, comb-overs, a clean “gentleman” cut, fades with a variation of different contrasts, hard-line designs, and unique disconnection. For women, I love the low maintenance of a balayage/ombre and having fun with fashion colors and hidden textures in a cut.

5. At the end of the day, what do you want your work to say about you as a stylist?
I do feel like, no matter what it is I’m doing, whether it be makeup, styling/coloring or barbering, my work is a form of art. Every client that comes in is a new canvas. I want my art to show my attention to detail and ultimately fit the personality and style of my client. I do get really excited once I’m presented with a new task and even more excited once I start seeing my vision come together. Vision is everything for me. I will ask my clients questions and love when they bring me pictures to ensure we’re both shooting for the same results. I like to explain the process to my clients and I’m more than willing to answer any questions they have. I think my passion keeps me inspired and wanting to learn and practice or figure something out until I get it right. One of the best feelings is seeing my client light up and love their new look. They love to recommend others to me and at the end of the day, each client is walking around showcasing my art. Word-of-mouth and referrals are one of the best forms of flattery.

6. How did you get into hairstyling and barbering?
From a young age, I have always gravitated but torn by my dedication to sports and my infatuation with being a girly girl. Playing dress-up with friends and wanting to be as glam as those in the girls magazines was intriguing. I was a kid full of imagination and often wished I lived in a fairy-tale land with unicorns. On the other hand, getting a little dirty dirt biking or competing in sports kept me grounded. All in all, having had a few too short-bald hair barbies I decided to start experimenting on one of my two sisters, starting with the most naive: my younger sister. I grew up in the ‘90s without easy access to unlimited tutorials. I turned to the innocence of my younger sister and a ton of ah-ha moments were created. I learned from studying looks in movies and magazines trying to dedicate my time to recreate what inspired me until i got it right. A lot of it, as in everything, was learned from trial and error and especially stepping out of comfort zones by experimenting. With social media and the vast internet world of demanding and sharing, I believe the art of makeup has come such a long way.

7. How important is your wardrobe as a hairstylist?
Wardrobe can be a way for someone to express themselves or show their personality, without having to speak. As much as I love to try new trends or express my love of music wearing my favorite band on a fresh tee, the reality of it (and anyone in the industry can relate) is… hair gets in EVERYTHING, even places you wish it wouldn’t! Colors, powders, and products can sometimes splatter on your skin, clothes, and shoes. As good as we are at making other people look good, sometimes we get messy in the process. Trying to keep a separate wardrobe for work and casual is necessary and as much as some clients may enjoy your sense of style and expression, I think keeping an all-black wardrobe in the salon looks professional, it’s easy attire and you don’t get your nice clothes ruined. As much as some clients will love your trending expressive looks, you have to keep in mind that your selective taste might not be for everyone.

8. If a person has wide calves would you recommend ankle booties?
I would! Ankle booties are in right now for all shapes and sizes. You’re right though, if you have wide calves then the right ankle booty could make your calves look smaller.

9. What do your clients like most about your work?
I think my clients like that I truly pay attention to detail and take my time. I won’t let anyone leave my chair until we both feel like we have already achieved or are on our way to achieving our overall goal. Detailing can be tedious and time-consuming and may often be looked over, but I am a perfectionist, to say the least, and want the art of the details to show in my work. My clients appreciate the time taken on them and feel reassured that I can deliver the end result! Out the gate question and answer with Jennijer Moore and BAC Magazine.