7 Times NIKE Truly Missed OUT!


7 Times NIKE Truly F’d Up & Missed Out!

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Nike has had an excellent track record over the years but sometimes the house that Phil built has been less than mindful of the decisions they have made. We explore 7 times they went a little crazy and maybe a little too cocky, to say the least. 

  1. Nike finessed the Olympics on many occasions. In 1996 at the Atlanta Olympics Games, Nike gave the 100 Meter competitor, Michael Johnson a 30k pair of sneaks.  This created a world of turmoil due to the fact that Nike wasn’t a sponsor of the Olympic Games.  Nike did benefit from the games without being an official sponsor, which immediately helped birth the Olympic ‘noncompete’ laws.
  2.   Nike denied Kanye royalties and ended the relationship forcing him to sign with Adidas.  Adidas eventually turned the Yeezy brand into its second largest line in the company.  I’m sure Nike is still upset about this one…
  3. Nike is the best when it comes to producing top quality kicks and cutting-edge designs. But it doesn’t stop them from being a little too cocky from time to time.  This is the exact case when it comes to the 2-time NBA MVP, Steph Curry. Nike passed up on signing Curry for the max only to leave the door open for Under Armour.
  4.  Nike passed up on buying Under Armour! They own Converse and various of other companies but passed up on UA.
  5. Nike Offered Spencer Haywood 10% of their company to help promote their shoes.